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American Journal of Water Resources. 2019, 7(1), 1-10
DOI: 10.12691/AJWR-7-1-1
Original Research

Assessment of Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Properties of Groundwater in Edéa (Cameroon)

NZEKET Aline Beatrice1, MOYO Karen Brell2, Amina ABOUBAKAR1, YOUDOM YOUTHA Armelle Stéphanie1, MOUSSIMA YAKA Diane Armelle1, ZING ZING Bertrand1, SULEM YONG Nina Nindum3, MAMA Anselme Crépin2 and MFOPOU MEWOUO Yvette Clarisse1,

1Soil, Plant, Water and Fertilizer Analytical Laboratory, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development, Yaoundé, Cameroon

2Department of Oceanography, Institute of Fisheries and Aquatics Sciences, University of Douala, Cameroon

3Fingerling Production Unit, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development, Yaoundé Cameroon

Pub. Date: January 19, 2019

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NZEKET Aline Beatrice, MOYO Karen Brell, Amina ABOUBAKAR, YOUDOM YOUTHA Armelle Stéphanie, MOUSSIMA YAKA Diane Armelle, ZING ZING Bertrand, SULEM YONG Nina Nindum, MAMA Anselme Crépin and MFOPOU MEWOUO Yvette Clarisse. Assessment of Physicochemical and Heavy Metal Properties of Groundwater in Edéa (Cameroon). American Journal of Water Resources. 2019; 7(1):1-10. doi: 10.12691/AJWR-7-1-1


In order to assess the physicochemical and heavy metal properties of groundwater consumed in Edéa (Cameroon), 8 boreholes were randomly chosen from 8 sites and their suitability was evaluated using three norms viz Cameroonian Norm (NC207:2003-02) and International standards including (CODEX: 108-1981 and European Union, EU:1998). Water samples were collected in triplicates bimonthly and analyzed using standard methods. Physicochemical analysis showed high temperatures with a mean value of (30.26 ±2.4) °C, acidic pH 5.94±0.34 and very weak mineralization leading to an electrical conductivity value of (134, 96 ± 49.59) µS/cm. The relative abundance of major ions was Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+> NH4+>K+ for cations and NO-3> HCO-3-> PO43-> SO42->Cl- for anions. All these ions fell within acceptable limits recommended by NC207:2003-0 boreholes 2, CODEX: 108-1981 and EU: 1998 with an exception for nitrates, ammonium and phosphate contents which were above acceptable limits. Among heavy metals analyzed, results showed that only lead and manganese values were above the standards’; all boreholes were contaminated by Lead while only 32.5% was contaminated by Manganese. The main water types were Mg-Ca-SO43--Cl- and Mg-Ca-HCO3- can’t result to an alteration of the aquifer matrix (dissolution of Gypsum chloride) and influence of anthropogenic activities through infiltration of agricultural, industrial and domestic waste water. These results showed that water of Edéa is not suitable for human consumption and must be appropriately treated before any usage.


borehole, physicochemical properties, heavy metals, hydrochemicalfacie, Norms


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